Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daily Doodle Number Two

I don't know exactly why;  but,  the idea of animals in mary-janes appeals to me.  Here, Gladys, who is a circus chicken, is stepping out in her brand new, shiny mary-janes and she just feels that she has the world on a string.  There will be more to come about Gladys and her special talents.   Sometimes silly is good ; )

Monday, February 23, 2009

Daily Doodle Number One

I have begun a new challenge, hoping to develop my drawing skills.  The amazingly talented Alicia Padron has been posting "Daily Doodles" for a while now.  She has invited any one who wants to, to join her in this fun exercise, (there's the button, right over there to the right & down a bit).  My first offering is one of those random pictures that popped into my head one morning while I was drinking my coffee and I finally got it down on paper.  I know there are some problems with it, but I think I can make something out of it ; ).

Friday, February 20, 2009

Illustration Friday: Celebrate

Remember when it wasn't your party?

I have finally managed to post another illustration----by the skin of my teeth!  I am still trying to grasp this medium.  I'm sure I'm not spending enough time with it,   but any pointers you can send along would be greatly appreciated ; ).  I am printing them out and tucking them away to pull out any time I can sneak up here and paint.  Thanks so much for those of you who have emailed me with tips and for all the kind comments---especially on my "Sailing"  post.