Monday, May 11, 2009

The Language of Flowers

This is a mixed-media piece I made using techniques I'm learning in Creative Textures.  I'm not really sure that this style of painting is something that I will do again,  but I had a lot of fun creating this one.

The title "The Language of Flowers" refers to the french text that is collaged to some of the flowers.  I cut the lines from a book that I found in a flea market that is a series of weekly stories that were printed on newsprint and later bound into a hardcover book.  The stories are dated from November of 1886 to October of 1887.  The tales are accompanied by wonderful engravings.

Some of the phrases on my piece are: 
 "Parce que, parce que....."  ("Because, because....")
 "jusqu' au bout,  mon cher"  ("until the end, my dear")
  "la bonne nouvelle"  ("good news")

I hope you all have someone speak in the language of flowers to you soon~~*sigh*


Laure Ferlita said...

This is so much fun! Love all the colors and the dark hand across the pot. Looks like your class is really opening things up for you.

Unknown said...

I like the flowers..and the black hand is interesting.

my tiny studio said...

The colors that you used are fantastic and the story of the painting is great . Some time back
I worked in a flower shop and some of the people told me about that book and about some of the flowers.
